“I'm not old enough; can God really use me?”
“The world has a lot of problems; what difference can I make?”
If these are questions that have ever found their way into your mind, then this book is for you. Austin Gutwein was nine years old when God began working in his heart, leading him to aid orphans in Zambia, Africa. This book is filled with more than just his personal story and what God used him to do. It is also full of challenging stories, quotations, and words that will inspire people of all ages.
Personally, I believe this is a book that everyone should read at least once a year. We all need to occasionally be reminded that no matter how bad our lives get, there is always someone worse off than us. To a world that is trapped in self-pity and covetousness, Austin Gutwein is a voice of inspiration- calling people into service, activity, thankfulness, and compassion.